it's kinda awkward to me actually...for not read da first novel of da series...yea la...tibe2 je terus bace da fourth novel of da series...
actually...ak kumpul wet nk bli harry potter novels(da half blood prince ngn da deathly hollow)..but...i can't help my self to buy dis novel first....!huhu...
it's more helpless when i found out dat ana's lil bro(aiman) already got dat harry potter novels...*wat am i thinkin' at da time?!of coz i can borrow aiman's novel kn...*lalalala..

but...i still got da nerve to own my own harry potter novel-all da series of coz(which mean i must saving some money!)...i juz can't be save rite....?!!aahh...i hate it...i hate dat i juz love all dis stuff....hate it juz coz i'll do anything to get dis stuff more than any other things..sound emo+scary huh?...(an effects by reading da novel..huhu)
Btw...'Dis stuff'-i can say it's like a fantasy and fiction kinda movies or novels even stories..full with magical creatures like faeries, goblin, elves and legendary mythological creatures like vampires, werewolves etc.
k...'bout da novel....it juz thick enough for me to read...but...i'm ok with it...!
*amboi!!klu bab novel...mmg sume x pew....klu bab module yg x tebal mne but full with words...bce sket je da yawn for sleepy...!!*
base on pngalamn ak mse bce da harry potter novel yg almost as thick as dis novel...i can read it only about 3 or 4 weeks...but...tu mse skool oliday form 5 dlu...guess with dis novel...it might take a lil longer r kot....

guess dats all....c ya...!
p/s: i know why i love 'dis stuff'....mdm ilyana(my luvly lecturer) pnah told us once...something dat given by parents for da first time to their kids reflect da hole entire life of their kids...at that time i remember what my mom gave me...it's a book..fairytales book..da grimm brothers fairytales book...i just loves da book...thanks to my mom...for da gift..now that i love dis kinda stories and movie..i meant it..not dat i hate it ok..huhu
so...in future...u guys should think first ape yg nk d'bri kn pd u'r kiddo ok..tp jgn bg bnde yg mlampau sudah...k chow
nk pinjam!!!
orait...!no hal..huhu
tq qilah...nnt bg sy kt kolej, boleh???
bley..sok sy bg..(*sorry bru prasan miss pnyer comment bru)
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