Tuesday, December 30, 2008
FiNish ReAdiN' mY NoVeL..
best tau...cite nye...!!bella and edward finally married...and have a daughter that have an extraodinary abilities(she's half human and half vampire-juz wow!huhu)..bella turn to vampire after she gived da birth to her daughter(actually..she almost died when given da birth tau...nyaris2 ak igt dier mati..uwaa-but she survives as vampire of course) this novel got a happy ending stories...just luvly...
wait!!...i think wat i'm tellin' u in here, doesn't sound and interestin' stories kan??i'm not good in tellin' stories!!sorry for that..
k...rite now...i'm on my way readin' da twilight novel lak-da first novel in da twilight saga and already adapted into movie pown...-(actually..i'm dowloaded all da series of twilight saga-except da breakin' dawn novel la...)it's ilegal i know...but i can't stop my self...i want to read it all...and of course i'll gonna buy all da novel once i have extra money..i love collecting novel of dat kinda stuff...huhu...
k dat's all 4 now...chow!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

it's kinda awkward to me actually...for not read da first novel of da series...yea la...tibe2 je terus bace da fourth novel of da series...
actually...ak kumpul wet nk bli harry potter novels(da half blood prince ngn da deathly hollow)..but...i can't help my self to buy dis novel first....!huhu...
it's more helpless when i found out dat ana's lil bro(aiman) already got dat harry potter novels...*wat am i thinkin' at da time?!of coz i can borrow aiman's novel kn...*lalalala..

but...i still got da nerve to own my own harry potter novel-all da series of coz(which mean i must saving some money!)...i juz can't be save rite....?!!aahh...i hate it...i hate dat i juz love all dis stuff....hate it juz coz i'll do anything to get dis stuff more than any other things..sound emo+scary huh?...(an effects by reading da novel..huhu)
Btw...'Dis stuff'-i can say it's like a fantasy and fiction kinda movies or novels even stories..full with magical creatures like faeries, goblin, elves and legendary mythological creatures like vampires, werewolves etc.
k...'bout da novel....it juz thick enough for me to read...but...i'm ok with it...!
*amboi!!klu bab novel...mmg sume x pew....klu bab module yg x tebal mne but full with words...bce sket je da yawn for sleepy...!!*
base on pngalamn ak mse bce da harry potter novel yg almost as thick as dis novel...i can read it only about 3 or 4 weeks...but...tu mse skool oliday form 5 dlu...guess with dis novel...it might take a lil longer r kot....

guess dats all....c ya...!
p/s: i know why i love 'dis stuff'....mdm ilyana(my luvly lecturer) pnah told us once...something dat given by parents for da first time to their kids reflect da hole entire life of their kids...at that time i remember what my mom gave me...it's a book..fairytales book..da grimm brothers fairytales book...i just loves da book...thanks to my mom...for da gift..now that i love dis kinda stories and movie..i meant it..not dat i hate it ok..huhu
so...in future...u guys should think first ape yg nk d'bri kn pd u'r kiddo ok..tp jgn bg bnde yg mlampau sudah...k chow
Saturday, December 20, 2008
uNFoRGeTtable mEmOriES...
I right dis juz right after I get home from watching da movie at a cinema nearby my places….on 27 of november..but i post it just now...haha
Want to know what film I watched!!!it’s twilight….n oso antoo fighters…..!!
Both r really good movie….!!u gotta see it…!!*but i think it's juz too late to suggest it rite?!...haha..watever..*
Antoo fighters…it’s a simple movie…but full of funny things….mmg gelak abiz r!!while…twilight…never disappointed me!!an awesome movie…full of love, emotional scene, tragedies and conflict of course!!huhu….
I went to the cinema with my lil’ sis oso my sweet n ‘adorable r sgt’ cousin….!!hehe….jgn mare yer kak wyn….huhu..just kidding...but u r sweet of coz..!!
Mse ak nga feelin’ ngn cite tu kak wyn bley spoil kn situasi tu….uwaa…bley dier kte rpe Edward Cullen or Robert Pattinson tu cm der2 rpe maya Karin…..t’gelak ak!!rpe mamat ensem tu..cm maya Karin!!bio btul kak wyn!!huhu…imaginasi kak wyn mmg power!!huhu..
Pape pown…kak wyn agree ngn ak….yg cite twilight mmg best!.....kak ein*my another cousin* pown sme..!other thing I would like to share…comparison between da two movie…
At da time I watched antoo fighters tu…rmai gek r people…while twilight…dlm around 20 only r kot!!...i think….its because da publicity laa ekh!!
know wat!ak punyer tunggu trailer twilight tu kuar kt tv…sbb tu ak asik dok ngadap tv je….huhu…tp x kuar2 pown….mati2 ak ingt cite ni x kuar kt wayang m’sia….
When kak wyn says dat twilight kuar 27 nov…ak cm blur2 je…coz tgok kt ternet premier kuar 21 nov…..huhu…but when we reach da cinema…..kak wyn says…."tu hah!der r twilight…."
How appy I am at da time!!...huhu………..actually ak mule2 nk tgok antoo fighter…then bile der twilight ak jd pusing dey!!mau tgok yg mne 1 ya!!....then kak wyn says… "klu ikot pale gler ak…ak tgok due2 skali”…then ak pk!wat a great idea!!after tgok kt dashboard….ak bri suggestion.. "k!!mule2 kte tgok antoo fighter..kol 4.50 pm…then….7.35 kte tgok twilight!!”...........so…dat’s it!!huhu……ske gler ak…..worth it r gek coz……..ak da lme x kuar rmh….then dpt tgok 2 movies..great rite?!haha..actually ak x dpt kuar coz driver ak x blik r..dok releks kt psir gudang tu…..!uit!blik r….susah ak nk rayap coz driver xder….huhu
Klu nk ikot kn..mmg ak bley drive sndri….tp parents ak ni really protective ngn da ‘first daughter’ dierowg ni!!but..td…ak yg drive sndri…pnat tau!!uwaa….
But after all…it’s really worth it n enjoyable…thanks 2 ayah….coz tmankn oneechan…!daisukides ottosan....huhu….
dat's all 4 now...c ya