I lost my only Grandpa, TokYah on 18th of December 2015. Al-Fatihah to Hj. Ishak bin Ibrahim.
When I recall back, it was like bad feeling, sad, shocked mixed up in one time. It was an accident that took him, well it just simply an excuse as it just the time for him to go facing the Al-Mighty call isn't it.
That day..
I just got back from work; was driving home.. I got a habit that I like to turn on the GPS on my phone and placed it at the phone holder in my car; when I already know which route that I would exactly take to go home.
So I was driving, then suddenly there's whatsapp message comes in from the 'Cucu2 TokYah' group. As the title for the group, it's a group joined by all the Grandchildren for my Grandpa & Grandma.
I was driving so I didn't get to read the message, it just that I get to see that it was from one of my cousin, Kak Ein.
Along my drive, the message just keeps on coming in, I just kind of wandering what's going on with this people; what topic they've been discussing.
When I reach at my home, without shutting my engine, I take my phone and read the first message "Hasyir, Tokyah mcm mne?"
I was like, "what's happen to my TokYah?!" then I keep on reading.. then I know that he got into an accidents. He was driving home from my auntie's home to his house, and his car collided with Hilux truck.
Gila kan, Wira bertembung Hilux, so what happen with Wira? Hancur..
My cousin which is son of my auntie, Hasyir send us the picture of the Wira. My heart just stops, crushed. I was so worried for my Grandparents.
Yes. My TokMak also was there, Alhamdulillah she's fine when Hasyir informed us that day. It just that my TokYah that being taken to the hospital.
I called my dad, asking him "Akak nak balik Ayah, boleh?" but he just comfort me, telling me not to worried and said my TokYah is going to be ok.
So I got out from my car and walked to my house. When I reached home, I told my sister-which I guess she not yet found out about this heart-breaking news.
We just worried, but we just continued our routine as usual. I feed my 10 kids, and my sister that time she's washing our cloths..
Then when I just selesai solat Isyak, my sister hugged me and informed me that "TokYah dah tak de kak"..
I was shocked, saying to her "Bukannya tadi kata TokYah ok?", why suddenly.... tears just falling..
We just sobbing, crying.. and we went back to Batu Pahat around 3A.M; arrived around 5A.M at Batu Pahat.
Now, when I'm thinking and recall back, he quite skinny, he usually have bubbly+joker kind of personality, but during my brother's wedding day he kind of quiet, just looking around and when my cousin ask him to rest or sleep for awhile in the room, he refuse it. Some kind of knows that will be the last time for him to meet all the relatives.
TokYah, Akak will always remember you. InsyaAllah kita akan jumpa lagi nanti ya!
Love you.
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Up: TokYah and TokMak Below: Cucu-cucu of TokYah&TokMak |
ps: I'm sure there's lots of vocab + grammar + whatever mistakes I make in this post. Will try to improve me self, and change that later.